Monday, April 20, 2009

Replay Machine

Let's take a look back at the world of "Ar Tonelico" for a while shall we? I've recently went on a grand search for the artworks of this awesome series that often does not get the credit it deserves here in the United States. The first game of Ar Tonelico, The Melody of Elemia, was not exactly the most popular of releases out here... proves that most US fans are whipped by the mainstream of Final Fantasy or other popular games. In 2009 here when AT2, "The Melody of Metafalica", came out in the States, I admit I didn't even know it was coming out. I was at a game store and saw a clerk stocking the shelves with AT2's boxes and I flipped out!

Currently I'm unaware of how the sales of AT2 have been here but I'm sure it's going to be a repeat of what happened to AT1. Its a shame that people are missing out on the power of Song Magic and the lovely Reyvateils like "Misha Artcerc Lyune" and "Luca Truelywaath".

Can any fan of Ar Tonelico imagine the powers of a ~Synchronity Chain~ between Luca and Misha? I suppose in my honest opinion I would still use Croix & Cocona for the physical attackers in such a party cause Cocona is just amazingly powerful, at least she was in my save. Lately I've been wondering about the possibilities of the 3rd Ar Tonelico, SPOILERS COMING UP!

Ar Tonelico 2's ending teaches us well the obvious... Cocona is a Reyvateil. Since she has a mission now it seems to scream the setup to the 3rd AT. I wonder if she will still be a fighter or if she will become a total songstress, giving way for a new main character? I'd figure she would become a songstress because of the Dive System in the series. Of course we can explore to chances of a total crossover? If you were to combine the characters of both Ar Tonelico games into one, you would have an unbeatable force... However that would lack a great deal of character development through the game.

I'm sure that all Ar Tonelico fans enjoyed the Hymns sung in both games. My particular favorites come from Misha's album and Cloche's. "EXEC PAJA /Misha Extracting" and Cloche's "METHOD Metafalica" win that status of favorite. Of course I like the EXEC with METHOD version of Metafalica, but I just like the basic METHOD version a little more.

I'd like to close my little rants here with realizing this is another one of the few, not the last though, tangents I've gone on about something other than my programmings. A little tidbit of knowledge for anyone out there interested is that in the United States if you're fortunate enough to find a copy of Ar Tonelico 1, it will cost you at least 100 USD! Since I once owned Ar Tonelico 1 a few years ago and only managed to get two hours into the game before the disc stopped working, I'd LOVE to have a new copy. It's rarity is what I blame the crazy price on, but it seems when the time comes for me to finally get it back, I'll have to pay it. I feel as if I'm missing out, and I better get AT1 before there's an announcement of AT3 in the future or something. Besides, then I get to have Misha sing again and she's just an amazing star singer! Got a comment or question about Ar Tonelico or something roughly in general to it? Just leave one and let me know!

1 comment:

thundercloud82 said...

Hiya I'm not sure if you know this, but the first Ar tonelico was re-released last year. It should still be available pretty cheap now.