Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More Delays

Project MT2 as well as MTT (Minazukis Treasures TACTICS) are on further delays. While I can blame the work on the new gains of mine including "Persona4" as well as "Ar Tenelico2"... You can actually blame a bit of the delay of MT2 on CG issues. I'll have more to say later on.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Minazuki's Treasures TACTICS: Delayed

That's right, sadly enough, project "Minazuki's Treasures TACTICS" is on delay for its demo release set for the 15th. There's a series of things we can blame this on, with number one being that I was terribly sick last week when I planned on completing it. Number two is my new infatuation with "Shin Megami Tensei Online: Imagine"... This new MMORPG is all about one of my favorite game series, SMT of course.

So I know what you're all thinking, when will the demo of TACTICS be ready CK? It's simple really. I only have two and a half stories of the eight in the opening left to design. Those being Sakura Shirakawa, Akira Miyauchi, and Satoshi Sasamine. Currently I'm working on Sakura's story which wouldn't take much longer once I feel like working on it. Never fear though, the demo will not be delayed for long, I'd guess a week or so really.

Other than that, there isn't much to report at the moment. I'm busy trying to figure out how to setup the last 25% of "Minazuki's Treasures 2: The Fate of Karaceltia". I need CG for 3 characters and I don't have any that fits the specifics needed. If worse comes to worse I'll have to write around that section of the story and figure something out instead. But as of now, I can still do about 10% more work before I need that CG.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year & Nothing New

Well for all my fans out there the new year and holiday break yielded nothing by the way of Raquiandreams game front. I seriously was lazy for the entire time and did not put a drop of work in to any of my projects. I however am announcing that there will be a special DEMO release of "Minazuki's Treasures TACTICS" coming out sometime by mid-January. I'll be doing this to get feedback on the tactical battle system, again you've all seen such a system in games like "Final Fantasy Tactics", "Suikoden Tactics", or "Hoshigami"... to name a few.

Anyways the demo will be distroed only by special request and via MSN or AIM instant messangers. I'd imagine I'll have it ready by round-abouts the 15th, save of course for me dealing with the test plays of it myself so that it will run for everyone. So here's what's important if you want the game. You'll need to either have or get from me the "RPGMaker XP RTP Installation Pack", this will allow the game to run on your computer. Naturally like any other project done by me once you have the RTP installed, you'll be able to play any of my XP edition projects. That will include "Minazuki's Treasures 2: The Fate of Karaceltia" when I release it.

I seem to recall promising something about posting screenshots next time I talked about MT2... I really don't have much, so here's a fresh look at the status screen, featuring Remy, taken about 3 minutes ago as I thought of it. This menu system will not be used for "Minazuki's Treasures TACTICS", so don't get to thinking you'll see the same thing twice. Naturally I'll be putting up promo stuff and maybe a vote on favorite characters for TACTICS when I release that one. Anyways stay tuned...